The Dare

“God can do way more with your surrender than you can do with your control.” – Craig Groeschel

All my life, I have heard an emphasis on giving and living a life with open hands.  Sometimes that “giving” is your time or your ear, sometimes your money.  Did we always have the nicest things, the best house, or the best cars? No!  But we had what we needed, and then some.  Growing up, I was shown over and over again that diligence, hard work, and kindness go a long way. 

I have often wondered what God thought of the movie Yes Man.  If you’re not familiar with the movie… Carl (Jim Carrey) has a pretty mediocre life and is invited to a ‘Yes Man’ Seminar where he is compelled to stop being a ‘No Man’ and make a covenant to always say ‘Yes!’

You're dead, Carl. You say no to life, and therefore you're not living. You make up excuses to the people around you and to yourself. You're stuck in the same dead-end job, you have been for years. You don't have a girlfriend, you don't have anything close to a girlfriend and you lost the love of your life because she couldn't be with someone who didn't live theirs.  And on most nights you're so bored and filled with ennui, you can't even summon the enthusiasm necessary to masturbate. Am I right, Carl?”

Aside from the comment on masturbation, I feel like God probably can have the same frustration with us!  We have become ‘No’ people; we are too busy, too tired, or we just don’t care. 

What if we start to say ‘Yes’ more? What blessings will God bring into our lives because we positioned ourselves to receive them?  What opportunities are we shutting out because of our inclination to say ‘No’?  What lives could we possibly impact for the better if we said ‘Yes’?

I’ve posted about this song before; it has such powerful lyrics.  What resonates with us is the line that says “I dare you to believe how much I love you now.”  

We decided that if God has dared us to believe how much He loves us, we in turn are daring him to pour out abundance over this ministry he has called us to.  Not for our own financial gain, but for the widespread impact that stands to be made within our portfolio.  For the blessings he will provide to those who feel forgotten.  For the blessings he will pour out on those who see a need and want to give.

We honestly don’t know much about fundraising for non-profits, but we believe God has given us this mission.  So we have decided to say ‘Yes!’  

Our prayer is that he will lead us and give us wisdom; his plans are better than ours.  

I'm standing at your door
My heart is calling yours
Come fall into My arms
You're weary from it all
Been running for too long
I'm here to bring you home

I'm reaching out, I'll chase you down
I dare you to believe how much I love you now
Don't be afraid, I am your strength
We'll be walking on the water, dancing on the waves

Look up and lift your eyes
The future's open wide
I have great plans for you, oh, yes, I do
Your past is dead and gone
Your healing has begun
I'm making all things new, oh

I'm reaching out, I'll chase you down
I dare you to believe how much I love you now, oh
Don't be afraid, I am your strength
We'll be walking on the water, dancing on the waves

Dancing on the waves
Can you see us just dancing?

I set every star into place
So you would remember My name
I made it all for you
You are My masterpiece
You are the reason I sing
This is My song for you
Every star in the sky
I set every star into place
So you would remember my name
I made it all for you (My love, My love)
You are My masterpiece
You are the reason I sing
This is my song for you

I'm reaching out, I'll chase you down
Come on, I dare you to believe how much I love you, oh, I love you
Don't be afraid, know that I am your strength
We'll be walking on the water, dancing on the waves
Oh, we'll walking on the water, dancing on the waves


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